Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Froh Weihnachten :D ( Merry Christmas )

My first ever Christmas! Totally the best and memorable one ^^

I was sitting in my room gift wrapping things for my family. In India you can pay people and get things gift wrapped. And thats a disadvantage. And now I hate Devyani (my best friend) who used to always wrap gifts for me because I never learned the exact way. But well. Now I do now it. It very simple. Thats now my point. So,what was I talking about? It was 24th December and I was so proud of myself for wrapping gifts for all my family. I love giving gifts. They make people and me happy. I was so excited as I was going to get gifts. And who doesn't like gifts?:D.

In the USA they open gifts at 25th morning. But in Germany you open them on the 24th Night. One time when Germans are impatient ;). 24th night is called Heiligabend. Germans normally eat together and then open the gifts. You have a special tasty dinner made. The gifts are under the christmas tree. And each house has little statues of Marry( Jesus 's mother) and the same scene which took place before Jesus was born. We ate really tasty dinner,and then was the gift opening time :D. The WHOLE tree had gifts under it. It was full. No room for any more gifts. We were total eight people: My family which consists of five people ( Host parents, two sisters and one brother) and me being sixth one. Heidi (Erek 's mother) ,Oma (Elke 's mother). Both the grandmother were all energetic and smiling! We all took a bunch of pictures with the Christmas tree. Then we played a game to open the gifts. Which took us two whole hours to open all the gifts :D. I got some really awesome awesome gifts! I got two painting boards( I love it because they already know me and my hobbies), pocket warmer ( these two little hearts with liquid,and once I press a button they become hot! Something I do need), a pair of house warm house (I had my indian house shoes with me,but they weren't all covered. I really like my new house shoes. They are red,and warm. Oh I'm wearing them now by the way :) ), this angel with a candle, one cd with Christmas German songs, one small book about a Christmas story, Life of Pii (This book was desperately wanted by me!) . And then my I was given two gifts. I was told to open the big one first. So I did. It had a paint board, a painting stand , paints , bushes , Palette. I was jumping with happiness. And then I was told to open the second gift. I did. And it had a card which said : All this is for a painting course. Every Tuesday till you stay with us! And I was hugging my host parents next minute!:D . Thats something really good for my future.
Then my host mom and the two grandmothers decided that everyone should go to the Church. I was pretty excited,because Church on Christmas night sounded interesting. But my other family members seemed like having a little fake smile on their faces ;). Thats exactly the reaction we get from my dad in India when my mom or grandmom tell him to come to the temples with them ;). Once I imagined a Church on Christmas,I imagined people singing and music and things. (Maybe I watch too many American movies). But it was NOT like that. I entered and it was silent. And really silent. Very silent! Only the Father was talking. And in the middle some people sang but I couldn't see them. The interior of the Church was pretty cool though,with all carving and things. Ofcourse thats what I was doing most of the times :). I didn't know how to prey in the Church. But I learned. I read and sang songs. Both the grandmoms were happy because the whole family was together in the Church. After sitting for one and a half hours we went home :). I wactched a movie with my sisters and thats how the 24th ended and 25th started :)

I didn't mention. After opening the gifts everyone in my family went in front of the computer and started talking to their daughter in America (Hanna). The cutest part was my host dad started playing the guitar and the whole family was singing for her. They both had their web cameras on. I started taking a video of the whole family singing,but in about 2 mins come of them were in tears. And I kind of didn't know how to react. So I just decided to give them some family time. I came near the Christmas tree,and just then everyone called me. Hanna wished me Merry Christmas too. And just then the whole family again broke into laughter. I did feel out of place for about some minutes,but the family trying so hard not to make me feel so got me back :). But it was a lovely day celebrating Christmas,getting gifts,seeing the family love and getting deeper into the family !


I prayed for it day,and night! And it came! Snow snow snow. I'm the Indian who jumped, ran, hopped, in the snow. Its so pretty. I can't express. Snow crystals are the most perfectly shaped crystals. My host mom told me that each snow crystal is differently designed. I wonder how! If god was a person. He would be an artist :).

So I have to tell you guys my snow stories:

I waited for my bus for around two whole hours after school, but it never came. So I finally decided to go inside the school and figure something out. And I have to mention the fact that it was awesomely cold! I went in and luckily I saw David(the american exchangie,living with my first host family). He said he was going to be picked up by my first host mom. So I decided to visit my first family in that time. So I did. And as I went in and spoke to my host siblings after a long time,I saw something white falling from the sky from the window. My host mom told me it was snow :D. Me and David played,and took some great pictures in snow. That was the first time.

I got ready for going to a disco nearby. My friend was going to come to pick me up with his car. I sat in the car and something funny was coming on the glass. I was like ' :O'. That thing looks weird. He was like," Are you kidding?" I answered very innocently. " No I'm not"."What is that thing?". He said," its snow". Really. It looks so different,from the car. Like large shaped whitesh insects coming towards you in large numbers. I always imagined snow to be like snow balls. Coming from the sky. This was something so different.
So ya. I went to the discro. And the disco is like a little under groundish. That means its like hot there,so we all remove our jackets and dance and things. Then my host mom was going to come and pick me up. So I collected my jacket again and went up. And guess what I saw? EVERYTHING was white. It was covered in a layer of snow! Before this I had just seen snow falling from the sky. But that was unbelivable. People were checking numbers of each cars to know which car was their 's :D. I was so happy and excited. It seemed like I was in a different planet ;).

It kept snowing for the next two days after that. So, my host mom decided me to have a little snow walk with her. She gave me warm snow clothes. I wore a lot of clothes. Me, Rike and my host mom went for the walk. Everything was perfect white. And the snow was so soft that I blowed and it flied. We made a snow angel :). It was great. But after around two hours, my body was hurting. I wasn't used to such a cold climate. I had a red nose :D. So we started going back home. I came home and my body was numb. Hhehe..the little indian body :P. My host mom adviced to show myself in cold water. And that worked :).

My excitement didn't reduce a bit. I once ran out of my room window without actual snow clothes just for a great picture, because I felt like it :). This was like a week and a half ago. From then it hasn't snowed.

Snow snow please come again. Little Vedashree wants to play :)

PS: But lesson learned. Everytime before going in snow, people should carry things for a running nose.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Family Gaudian

I entered my going to be house with my first host mother. It was like 7.00 and we were all going to celebrate 'Thanks giving'. I was looking forward to some great American food. And thats when it struck me that I'm not going to go back with my first host mom. Instead, David(the US exchangie) was going to,and I was going to stay there itself as Thanksgiving was with my second host family. I entered the house I got two hugs from my new host dad and host mom and both of them were smiling and said,'Hello my new daughter'. And thats when I kind of already knew I'm going to get along really well with my new family.

Its been six days since I'm living here now,and it already seems like home. I live with the family Gaudian now. And its been great so far. My family consists of : Erek(who is my host dad) , Elke(host mom), Lucas (Host Brother:20-21(I'm not sure) ) , Line ( Elder host sister :18) , Rike ( host sister: 16) and she has a twin sister called Hanna who is now in the States for exchange. And my six days of observation says : Erek- likes to think a lot. Thats why he usually has a different opinion about many things . He is like open minded which makes it easier to talk about anything. And usually(I did rightly say usually :P ) has a great sense of humour. But never the less he is always fun to be around. And for some reason,when I told him about the concept of arrange marriages he wants me to get married,and is looking for someone for me now . I wish him all the luck for that ;). My parents in India are going to be pretty happy knowing I'll have a husband who earns in Euros ;) . Okay. I stop joking now. Elke : She is this super adorable loving pretty personality. Its so hard to not love her. She is always happy and sometimes unknowingly dances around. Line : She likes talking. And she talks fast. But she asks really interesting questions about many things. Totally interesting person to know . I'm waiting for more . Rike : She is the little quite one . And she is also the family 's little one. It makes me so happy that Line is 18, I'm 17 and Rike is 16. Makes me feel like I had to come and fill in the gap ;). But she is also pretty skinny and so I have company not being the thin one. And both of us want to put on weight :D. We will Rike,I'm sure! Lucas : I haven't really been around him too often,so I don't really know much yet. So I'll update with that later. Oh! And I almost forgot. Elka 's mother also stays closeby so she is around sometimes. And every single time I met her,she was full on energy and smiling!
The house kinda of reminds me of my house in India. The house isn't filled like most of the German houses. Its more like an art house. Its red from outside,with a little garden. And we have a living room,and a dinning place , kitchen , and five rooms. I have my open room which I totally love. It has these pretty big blue star lights. And one of the four walls is nearly completely glass which gives me a lovely view of the garden and little village outside. The house is decorated with Elke 's paintings,and little plants. And is pretty colourful. Its been six days and I already have my favourite corner. Erek made his oven . Not the electric one,but like a little fireplace. And because its a fireplace the walls around it are always warm. And they is this bark on which we can sit. Its lovely. Specially in Winter.

My this post would surely tell you I'm happy here. I have gone though some other changes like getting up early , going by bus to school which takes around 20 mins, Elke calling me Signe but me still responding ;D (thats because Signe was the one they hosted before me) and other little ones which I can't mention. And I learned I'm not really a big fan of getting up early :D.

Changing familes at some point sounded good,but the fact that all of us are going to be replaced my someone sucks. Like we are three exchange students in my club:David, me ,Signe. And we have three families. And we are going to rotate families. That means each one of us are going to go to each family. But if I see the postive side of this its wonderful that I already know my sure families because someone tells the other how the family is and things. So its not that bad once we already have a back round..


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Time is moving.

Its 11.01 and I just woke up some time ago. I'm still sitting in my night dress,staring at my packed bags. Its scary how fast time moves. Today is the 12th of December ,and as mentioned before I'm going to change families today. Its a Rotary rule to change families every three and a half months.

I'm so filled of mixed emotions now. I kinda of don't want to leave my first family. They are great family! Like I have memories from trying the first german food, speaking german, learning German manners, table manners , having a new German real family and so many more. I was so used to my daily routine. Coming back home from school, talking to my host mom. As soon as I would come the first question would be,' Und(And)..(silence) (so I'm just supposed to answer how school today was) and if I don't answer then the question would come 'Wie war es?'(How was it?). Then my host siblings would come home and we would generally sit on the table joke about something at school. I would then do German with host mom,or go online and something like that. Then my host dad would come home. And he would ALWAYS say,' Hallo Vedashree' :D. We would then generally have a family t.v time eating chips(paprika which I love!). After taking our respective seats. We would watch t.v and talk at the same time. One time my host mom starting teaching me to knit. So then I would knit and try watching t.v at the came time. But fail really bad ;). While going to bed,everyone would wish things like ,'Gute Nacht'. And my host dad would always say,'Shlaf gut Vedashree' :D.
I love my first family. And I'm going to see them often during my stay.

I know my second family well. And they are awesome people too. I'm sure I'm going to love them. I'm excited at the same time to move on too!

But family Feist. You guys would be missed :)

Today,we have Thanksgiving(which is a American festival in which my fellow Americans are going to cook) in the afternoon,and then we change families. I'll update you guys with Birthday and family changing too.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I was just going though my blog and released I haven't written for the whole of November. And its not that I didn't want to write ot didn't have enough to write. I was just lazy. Sorry to all my readers :).
I'm going to briefly write about my November in Deutschland in this post.

Starting with the good news. I got my bag:D. I never mentioned my bag before in the blog. So I'll like to inform that I didn't have my suitcase for around three months. That was because of my own stupitidy and carrying extra things. But the best part is that I have it now! My parents put in my favourite indian chips and a bunch of additional things in it too. Results in me back to my good old clothes :). But you know the best part? 22nd August I came to Germany. 22nd October the man who came with my suitcase called me. And 22nd Novermber I got it:D. You learn a lesson with all your mistakes. I learned not to carry extra things when you are travelling even when you love them!

Mexican Party:
As I celebrated Diwali. All we exchange students just starting celebrating our own festivals. The Mexicans had a special day on the 22nd of November in Mexico. And so they also had a 'festa Mexicanaa'. As we called India 'Bharat' in Hindi,in Spanish you call Mexico 'Mexico(which is written the same but when you say it it is like 'Meheeco'). They were trying to teach me how to say it but weren't successful because of my strong accent. Erandy(the mexican girl in my town) 's host mom was really nice and she gave the Mexicans a party place where she worked. Erandy and Marcos (the two Mexicans in my town) decorated the place really well. They made something called 'pinyata' which is generally used for kids birthday parties in Mexico. Its like a big balloon with lots and lots of paper and glue. Which results in a hard ball types thing in which they took a lot of chocolates and candies :D. And they was a really interesting tick to break it. Take a stick and go hitting it with your eyes closed! They also had some great Mexican food along with it. Around 40-35 people came for the party many of them were exchange students. We danced on all types of music and it was great fun! I'm should say thank you to Marcos and Erandy I could actually see a part of Mexico!

The Gymnastics show:
My host sister was supposed to go for some show on this Sunday. But because she was not well I went instead. And actually I shouldn't say this but I'm lucky she wasn't well! :D. The was really AWESOME! They did all types of gymnastics. Everything you can imagine. All the things I always saw on the t.v and thought the people who did it were god gifted ;). I was with Ricarda and Micheal who are my friends because of the wheel gymnastics and we were sitting in the children 's section. So we were given pom pops and taught ways of cheering. And how can I forget. All the kids were made to wear a funny colour green t-shirt which we got to take home(oh yay ;) ).

Belgium Museum:
So I'm just calling in Belgium because it just sounds cooler that I wasn in another country ;). I went to this art museum with David and his host dad. The museum had different ways to show or narrate about Jesus Christ 's birth. It was interesting to see as it was expressed in many ways like clay models,light shows and so many things.The museum was between Belgium and Germany which was awesome. And it made me even more happy because my phone got messages saying 'welcome to Belgium'. Belgium has two main language one is Neatherlandish and the other is French. So every information written in the museum were written in three languages. Two which I just mentioned. And Germany^^

Judo with host dad:
I am staying with Family Feist since three months now. And even though I'm staying here for that long I didn't know that my host dad was a black belt in judo! I was so shocked to hear it! And Germans are sporty my nature. I'm not saying this because of only my host dad but many examples. Hubertus(my host dad) is a skiing instructor, Judo black belt, and awesomely fit(and sometimes he calls himself not fit!). And I have to mention the fact that he is 50 years old. And he told me he started judo when he was 39. Such people are inspirations. I always want to learn so many new things,but mastering many at time is a art. But judo is surely added to my list of 'things to do'. I would feel so much safer and stronger! Muhhahah..

Family change date:
All our exchange student families got together ad decided we are going to change families on the 12th of December. I'm sad and excited at the same time!

I can't remember if anything else happenend. I'll post in this blog if I think of some more :). Ofcourse I met friends,hangied out with them and all those things ;)..
I love December!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cultural Differences

I was talking to my sister yesterday. And I was telling her about the differences between Germany and India. When I say 'differences', I don't mean to refer to roads,cars,food. I mean differences in people,in habits. I was with a group of people yesterday in school. We were around eight of us. And five out of them wanted to go and eat. If it was India the five would surely ask the other three if they want to come along. But well,here they just said 'goodbye' and left. I was a little offended. I thought they didn't want me to come along. After my conversation with my sister I realised these are just cultural differences.

I recently read the book 'Foreign to familiar' which deals with the same cultural differences. The author has divided the cultures of the world in two parts: hot-climate culture and cold-climate culture. Among the cold-climate regions,she listed Canada, the nothern states of U.S, Northern Europe(Switwerland and above), Israel , the white populations of New Zealand, Australia , and southern Brazil and white population of South Africa and any other countries or parts of countries largely settled by Europeans,such as Argentina. Among the hot climate cultures,she included Southern United States, Asia, the Pacific islands, South America, Africa, the Mediterranean countries, the Middle East and most of the rest of the world. But why differences on the climate? Thats because the hot climate people generally are outdoor and hence end up spending time with more and more people. Hence relationships and friendship is a very important part of their lifes.The cold cultural countries are focus more about being independent,to take care of your own things. Both are important in their own way.

I have total five exchange students in the place I stay in Germany. One of them from Argentina, two from the United States and two from Mexico. We all often talk about the problems we face and somehow I always found similarities between the Mexicans. And now I know why. America is also a cold climate country and so is Europe. And hence they share the basic culture. The cold climate cultures and said to be task oriented,where as the hot climate cultures and said to be relationship based.

I experience these differences everyday and just thought of sharing them with you all. I recently changed my hair colour. If I was in India most of the people would say it looks good(irrespective of what they really think about it),because truth is not the focus here;keeping a friendliness between us is. That doesn't ofcourse mean that everyone is going to say it looks great,people who are my good friends,family members would tell me what they really think about it. But well being in Germany I got different types of reactions. Some said it looks great,some said I look emo,some said it makes you look like a punk where as some said it doesn't look all that great. When they said it looks bad,I joked about being hurt from that comment. And the answer was 'What do your feelings have to do with it? This isn't about you,it's about your hair'.

In the book 'Gifts Differing' by Isabel Briggs it is said that if we are talking about personality differences rather than culture,we would call 'hot-climate' types -'feeling personalities' and cold climate types 'thinking personalities'.Those who have the priority of putting the job first does not mean anything personal but they assume you think the same way. Feeling types also assume that you think like they do,and that 's why they are offended. And thats the reason I was offended..

In the cold culture countires a 'yes' is a 'yes' and a 'no' is a 'no'. Where as in hot culture countries is more about being friendly. If someone would offer me food in India I would first say no(inspite of wanting to have it) because I don't want to sound greedy. Than I would be offered food again and than I will take it. But its not same here. If I say 'no' they will say 'okay'. No offering again and again.

Both the cultures are special in their very own way. I completed around 3 months here and starting was a little difficult to adjust. Now since I know its not about anything personal its just about the culture things are way easier. This is just a beginning and I have so much more to experience.

Well for now I like it here :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Martin 's fest!

My host mom told me we were going somewhere at six. I got ready,came out of the house with her. Surprisingly we weren't going by car. As we were walking she told me about the fest we were going to Martin 's fest. It is celebrated everywhere specially in the area I stay. And we were going for the one in my village. We went and saw this parade of people which had fire in their hands,and little children carrying little lamps. It just felt like Diwali in the first sight because of the light^^. And then I met Marcos( the mexican exchange student). It was actually amazing to see the little children's lamps as they were all possible different colours and shapes and sizes! Like there was a little paper doll, a hallowen pumpkin to everything you can imagine. They all had lights as it gets dark at around 5.30 these days. Yes,was really strange for me in the beginning too! Leading the parade was Martin on a horse. I was busy taking pictures the whole time as I totally love kids^^. But after a while I just looked around . Me and Marcos both thought it was actually creepy. Imagine! It was like all dark and little kids and people with light and fires in their hands were randomly walking. Ofcourse they had great music with it. My host parents told me that they actually have different songs for this fest. After walking around in the parade we all went to this kindergarden school. There was a line for the entrance. All the little children and the people who played music(which includes my host dad) were getting breads by Martin. And being kids but still not exactly kids me and Marcos wanted breads too^^. I stood in the line and walked in front of Martin but I didn't get a bread :/. Then I came back where Marcos and my host mom where standing. It was so funny! Then my host dad somehow got us breads :P. I just wanted to walk in front of Martin with that bread in my mouth and show him :D(tuk tuk as we say in marathi). They were sweet,and sugar coated, pretty nice. Everyone sat,including all the kids and their parents. I am in Germany. Ofcourse there has to be drinks. And this time it wasn't beer! It was wine. Red wine,which was hot! It was cold and drinking hot wine was a great idea. Again Germans are smart people ;). After everyone settling in there was some kind of prize distribution for the children. They would call all the children of the same age group,the choose the best lamp,and then give prizes. This little kid who was sitting opposite me was great entertainment. He used to cry,laugh demand for beer(once..ehhehe). And he won the first prize for the best lamp in his age group(You can see a photo of him and his lamp). And got this cool police car set and a bunch of things more. And everyone got prizes! I wished I had made one lamp too^^.

The next day:
Me Marcos Signe and Marcos 's host family went to see the same Martin 's fest in Ahrweiler. (its a big village/town nearby). There was a competition between four groups of young boys. They had to set up fire pictures in the wine fields. The wine fields were far but we could still see all the pictures. I can't even imagine how big they would be :). Then we Marcos,Signe just went around looking at things,eating,drinking. We entered this candy store and saw candy cigarettes. We had so much fun with them. So many pictures and posing to smoke. (Aai Baba don't worry after seeing the pictures its just chocolate. I swear,tumchi mulgi ajun bigadali nahi e :P).

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Celebrating holidays!Suttya laglya.Sutya laglya:D

I have always loved travelling. Wanting to explore more places,meeting new people,observering things has always been my hobbies. I had Autumn vacations on then.I thought it was a great idea when my host family told me we were going to for a vacation in Austria! Austria always seemed such a foreign pretty land. And now I was really going to go there!:D. My family warned me in advance and told me to take warm clothes with me as it was going to be really cold..
And well it was really cold! We drove for around 12-13 hours,which including a ride from a ferry from Boden See. Boden See is a lake which is situated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. It was so fastinating as I could Austria, Switzerland and Germany being in water! My host dad pointed out to a place and said 'Oh that is black forest there!' And I was like 'Oh my god!'. There was so much happiness within me. Specially since I'm in Europe and the trasport system is ultra super duper cool I wanted to see more and more places. We reached the hotel at around 9p.m. We were served with great food,and a smiling caretaker called 'Petra'. We were going to stay with my whole host dad 's family. Oma(grandfather) ,Opa(grandmother), Felix ,Johanna, Leonard , Sarah, Itay , Andreas and Ulrike. The next day we went for a super long hicking trip. The place is SO pretty that it was totally worth walking forever. I could see the Alps in front of me, flowers , greenery everywhere I saw! We carried lunch with us all the way and stopped where we got shelter. The thing that amuses me was,even though we walked that far the men still had their beer/ wine. My host dad opened this bottle and I offered him a plastic glass which was next to me. And he was like,' it doesn't taste if you don't have the right glasses'. And he removed glass glasses from his bag! I was so surprised. Well at home here, for different types of beers he has different glasses! How cool is that!
The weekend in Austria was great as I got to know more people closely. I actually had someone to call 'Oma', 'Opa' which just always seemed text book names. We played different types of games, saw places and had great fun! But oh,it doesn't end here. On your way back we went through Switzerland. It was So pretty! Switzerland needed a different visa before,but now no more. I could enter Switzerland!!Whoo hoo. And we just crossed borders in a matter of minutes. It was like one moment I said I'm in Austria. And the other I said ohh,now I'm in Switzerland! In India my sister and me would be happy when we would see boards saying we are in different states. Here it was countries!:D. Austria and Switzerland are right next to each other but still they have physical differences. Switzerland is more greener then Austria. Its stange why..
But both the places are surely worth seeing atleast once in your lifetime!

My second trip was a family vacation to Thüringen. This time it was just my host mom,host sister,host dad and me. We have a small cottage there. And one of the reasons other then sight seeing ofcourse was working. Like the house,organising things,cutting grass as no one stays there. Thüringen was cold! Like really cold. I saw snow for the first ever time! Whoo hoo:D.But wait,forget that I saw snow. I don't want that snow to by my 'first snow' because well it was in a parking lot! Hhehe..ya really. We were driving around Thüringen and my host parents saw snow in a parking lot,so to show me we went inside. I touched it,took pictures,it was snow! Snow for real:D. The cottage we stayed in was like kind of in a middle of a forest. I had n't seen those type of trees before. Trees with really long trunks. And Oh my god! I learned how to ice skate. My host dad and sister taught me,and I could pretty much do it by the end. They also showed me a Skii-ng and snow jumping places. My Thüringen trip was wonderful! It included- a visit to Goethe mall (a lot of Gothe things are standing in Thüringen as that is where he lived), seeing Gothe and Schiller, the Bauhaus Museum (a art museum), a really interesting glass factory visit, a lot of other tourist places, a wonderful picture taking time which my host sister. It was actually this cold that I saw ice on the floor! Like as we see puddles,there was ice. And ya,we went to this italian restaunt. And the man taking our order looked at me and said 'I'll make your pizza spicy'( I think he realised where I was from and that I eat spicy food). And I was all happy as I was going to get spicy food after that long. I nodded in excitement. Well I expected the pizza to be german spicy,but it was indian spicy! Like really. I was like oohh its great but its even spicy for me! I don't think I should even mention my family 'y reaction when they tired it.heheh.. Well I don't know if it was really spicy for if my tongue is turned German. But never the less,I almost finished it off :D

Thüringen trip was really quality family time. We played so many card games. It was great fun. Again after driving for like eight hours or something we reached home. We opened the door,came inside and the house really felt like home. Really like home...

Today is my host mom 's birthday:). My host sister made really good cookies. My host brother,sister and I gave a gift and a card together.. And we had some great home made cheese cake at home too!:D
Happy Birthday Gertraud. Danke für alles^^

Saturday, October 17, 2009

German Diwali^^

Day before yesterday,I was sitting and having breakfast with my host mother. Suddendly then my phone rang. I had a message. A message from my Indian friend wishing me 'Happy Diwali'. I was surprised. I knew I was going to miss Diwali, but I wasn't prepared that it would be this soon! I told my host mom about Diwali. And she gave me this awesome idea of celebrating it. So we did yesterday evening^^
Diwali is a festival of light. They light diyas-cotton string wicks inserted in small clay pots filled with oil -to signitfy victory of good over evil in an individual.

We invited all the exchange students living in my area and three other families. While inviting them I asked them if they could dress indian^^. I wanted it to be a total Indian evening,including the sitting arrangement. As I had told them,I was ofcourse dressed totally indian. Including bangles,punjabi dress,and 'tikli'.I drew rangoli around the house. Rangoli is a colourful sand,and one can make all types of designs with it. My host sister helped me with it. We decorated the house with flowers. We did not have diyas so we put candles around the house instead. Prepared a special type of lamp which they always put up during diwali called 'Akashkandil'. We had heena designs on the hands. I was amused as one of the lady came to me with a Sari and asked me to show her how one wears it. I was amused at the enthusiasm . All the ladies got tiklis(a dot which Indian ladies wear,on their forehead) And yes I can't forget we had indian music,which means I danced :). And so did everyone else. And Oh! I had a surprise of fire crackers in the end. I was singing 'din din diwali' while bursting them ;)
For snacks we had 'bhakarwadi','chivda','khakra' served with indian tea called 'chai'. For dinner we had 'roti'(indian bread), chicken, panner(cottage cheese). Roti is supposed to be round! I tired my best, somewhere got near it but all weren't exactly round. And for desert we had 'laddoo'(round indian sweet,which they told me tastes like caramel).

The evening was really fun! It was filled with questions about indian culture,traditions and ofcourse diwali. The fun part was seeing Germans eat with hand. I haven't even seen any German eat french fries with hands, seeing them eat a whole meal with hands was adorable^^.
I'm on a cultural exchange. I'm here to learn more about German culture. But at the same time,I carry my culture with me. And India indeed has a great culture. A culture which is rich and diverse in its very own way. We have a lot of indian festivals. And Diwali is one of the biggest festivals in India. I 'm really lucky because I got to celebrate Diwali in Germany. They wanted to know more about the culture. They wanted to see my life style at home. And yes they wanted me to feel like home..
I can't express my emotions how happy I was after celebrating it on this large scale. Thank you everyone who was a part of it. Thank you my host family specially to my host mom for helping me with everything :D

Its amazing how small things bring joy to lifes ^^

Monday, October 5, 2009

Der Angbeginn/The Beginning

The first day:
My host parents,my counselor and her husband came to pick me up. I didn't know whether to shake hands or hug or talk German,but we just figured it out. The start was great! Looked like they were happy because I was there. And that is a great feeling :). They picked me up at Frankfurt airport. We live in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler(which I can NEVER pronounce because Germans have a different sounding 'r'). The road looked so pretty! The sun was shinning bright. I was tired,but I didn't feel it. I was talking and talking the whole drive. After reaching Bad Neuenahr we dropped my counselor off. My host parents told me it was the weekend and they eat special type of bread. They asked me if I want to come along with them to buy it. My first ever German supermarket visit:D. And Oh my god. They were SO many types of bread. I'm sure in my entire life I did not see that many breads which I saw at once :). My host dad asked me if I want to choose a bread. I just selected the best looking one! By this time my Indian phone was still with me,and it kept giving me really sweet messages. After the supermarket we were going home! The new home,I was so excited to meet my host siblings. We entered the house and there was a big welcome card for me. Which was totallyy sweet! I was so happy being home. They showed me around the house. The house is really pretty! A lot lot more different then any Indian houses I had seen(ofcourse!). It has a pretty lawn. And I have my own room which gives me a nice view from my window:). I was jet lagged. I need to sleep. After sleeping like half the day I got up. I saw my bag, the new room, new smell that was when I realised I was alone. Alone by myself in this pretty land! I am not going to see 'my people' for a year. I'm the one who is going to set rules for myself. And yes ofcourse going to have the time of life!:D

It's exactly been one month and 14 days since I am in Germany. I truely love it here. I'm staying with family Feist,who try their best to make me feel like a part of their family.My host parents: Host dad(Hubertus:50), host mom(Getraud:47) and my three siblings(Daniel:18(who was also exchange student to Canada), Benedikt:16(who is now in India) ,Thekla:14). My German is still pretty bad,but I understand a lot more now. I can't wait to get better at German.

Important events which have taken place since the time I am here :
1) Wine fests: The part of Germany I live in is known for red wine. There was also a parade with people walking with wine,and trationally dressed. They have these really cool festivals for everyone!;)
2)Met my fellow Exchange Students: Two Americans(David Loring:18 and Signe Carlson:16). two Mexicans (Marcos Raul Salido Portugal) and one Argentinian(Olivia Brugna:18) live in the same town/village I live in. We all go to the same school(exp:Olivia as she is been here since six months).And important,they are all very since people. I'm glad I have them with me because not oly German culture but I also learn their cultures. The Mexican guy also happens to be my neighbour:).

3)German classess: My host mom teaches me German. And my host sister wants me to learn it better so she refuses to hear any English from me.So partly she would be responsible for my German progress ;). I'm so happy that I'm getting better!
4)I got my visa extended: Yayy! So I can by law stay in Germany till the 1.08.2010. And started getting my pocket money from the Rotary.
5)I started riding the bike all my myself: Well has the road system in India is other way around I had problems in the start. But then everytime I left my house,my host mother would keep saying'right,right':).
6)School started: School was filled with experiences. School is a really nice place to go as I deal with people of my age,who think differently. School helps me get better at the language because well its a German medium school and they teach only in German.The start was crazy! I would sit there looking around,drawing in my book,counting the number of people in the class,and once counting the trees outside ;). My school name is Peter Joerres Gymnasium. The school looks totally like an aquarium to me :). Its all glass covered,so when you sit in the class it always seems so fresh. But at the same time I wonder what I'm going to do in winter! In German school system one has to take three Leistungs Kurse(major courses) and remaining(I don't know the exact number,6 or 7 minor cources :) ). My School begins at 7.55 and ends at 5. Each student has a big timetable and he/she has to come accordingly in school. My Subject are:Sport,Art,English(Major cources) and Deusch(German),Mathe,Art(minor cources). Well,one cannot take Sport and Art together but because I requested them I got them. My fellow exchange students have more subjects then me. That's the main reason why I go home early then them(and usually yell a big 'bye bye' while going :P).
7)Making Friends: I made some friends at school. I love hanging around with them because its fun but at the same time I'm learning. Well that's the best part about being a exchange student. Whatever you do,you always learn.Like the other day I was watching t.v. And I watched it for like three hours,but well it wasn't really watching t.v. it was learning German ;).
8)Rotary meetings: My Rotary club had a introduction meeting for us. Wearing our Rotary Blazers. During the club meeting I observed that they don't usually clap but instead 'knock' on the table. And everytime they did it I could not help but laugh! The second Rotary meeting was a district welcome meeting with around 70 Exchange Students,from all over the world. It was really awesome.
9)Weekend at Solingen with Exchange students: Rotex organised a weekend with all the exchange students. Which was full on fun,energy and dancing!:D. Oh look!Now I have friends all over the world.

10)Visits to Bonn and Köln: Visited Bonn and Köln with friends and family a couple of times so far. All of them were great fun! The lastest one wass Bonn with host parents to see a light and water show. It was really cool,as the water moved according to the music.
11)Art Club:Started a art club with my host mom which is every Wednesday. I love Art!And I love going there. The Art club lady is very cheerful and always gives me coffee and some snacks :).
12)Volleyball :I started playing volleyball at a closeby club. I played vollyeball around six year in my school in India and always hoped that I would get to play it here! And yayy :D
13)Rönrad: This sport is like wheel gymnastics. i'm doing something like this for the first time ever. I love it!
14)Missing people at home: I love the here life! But I think about people at home too. I'm not homesick. I wasn't from the time I am here. But I love everyone at home :)

That's about it for now. Gute Nacht. Süße Träume.
Love :D

If you are happy and you know it!:)

Germany! Germany!*clap clap clap*.

The last couple of days in India were the fastest I have ever experienced. I remember counting days. They moved like fire,I didn't even realise when the two digit number turned into one. And finally turned into the last three days!

Being a exchange student has always been my dream . My family always host 's exchangies. I could not wait to have the experience myself! And here I am! Germany!Whoo hoo :D. I remember right from the start. My parents and me had a discussion on where I wanted to go,after which I knew I wanted to go somewhere in Europe. Filling up the huge Rotary forms, interviews seemed never ending then(I have to give credits to my sister and my best friend here)! Then came the country selection day. I had my fingers crossed. By this time I knew I wanted to go to Germany,and I really wished I could get it. In India,atleast where I stay(Pune) we have this system which our Rotary follows,they take our interview and then we are given ranks according to them. I was ranked 4th. The boy who was ranked before me got up to cross his choice. "Cross on anything but Germany",we prayed:). Well,Germany had just one seat. And my luck I got it!:D

I wanted to take Germany mainly because of the language. I learned German in my school,and I was the worst student ever! As most of the students,I strongly dislike studying. But when its coming in a new land,dealing with new people and having a new identity of your own then helll yeahhhh I'm totally up for it!

Rotary youth exchange is very well organised. Usually,someone from the place I'm going comes to the came place where I'm living. As I was going to Germany,I was going to have a boy from there coming to India. My German family wrote me before I was coming to India and sent me a photo along with it. I used to show it to everyone who visited me. "Look look my new family^^". I always asked them a billion on questions with each mail I wrote. My host family 's son was going to come to India. And well he came before I left for Germany. So I went to meet Benedikt in Mumbai. I wanted to know how the place was going to look like,I wanted to know the family 's interests,and sooo many other things! My meeting with him went great! I was excited then ever when he said,'You will fit perfectly in the family'! The fast moving last few days were full of googling pictures,having long talks with friends,spending more time with as many people as possible,eating all the food I love the most and days full of advice :).

August 20th Night:
I had my farewell party this night. I got really nice presents from my friends. My sister and my closest friends made a video for me. My friends gave me this scrapbook(which was totally hand made) with pictures and letters. One of my friend wrote me poems. *Reality check*. 'I'm leaving for real!'.

August 22nd Night:
My bags where packed. I was standing on the airport,with my closest friends and realitives around me. My mother giving me last minute instructions,my dad calling me and wishing me luck and the background people crying. I had always imagined this scene in my mind. But didn't ever expect it to come so soon. Being the person I am,I didn't want to cry. All I could imagine was that I was going to be in Europe!:D. It did not hit me then that I'm going to not really see these people for a year now.

My flight was about to reach. I could see the little roads,buildings outside my window. 'This is the place I'm going to stay for a year,this is the place which is going to give me never forgetting memories,THIS was Germany!' My flight was supposed to arrrive at 8a.m,but it arrived at 9-9.30a.m. I had so many thoughts in my head,I was full on excitement. I did not know what my future would be like. 'Would I recognise my family just because of the photo?','How would they welcome me'?'Would they understand the little German I speak'?' Pushing my lugguage with a huge smile on my face I finally went out of the arrival section.