Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cultural Differences

I was talking to my sister yesterday. And I was telling her about the differences between Germany and India. When I say 'differences', I don't mean to refer to roads,cars,food. I mean differences in people,in habits. I was with a group of people yesterday in school. We were around eight of us. And five out of them wanted to go and eat. If it was India the five would surely ask the other three if they want to come along. But well,here they just said 'goodbye' and left. I was a little offended. I thought they didn't want me to come along. After my conversation with my sister I realised these are just cultural differences.

I recently read the book 'Foreign to familiar' which deals with the same cultural differences. The author has divided the cultures of the world in two parts: hot-climate culture and cold-climate culture. Among the cold-climate regions,she listed Canada, the nothern states of U.S, Northern Europe(Switwerland and above), Israel , the white populations of New Zealand, Australia , and southern Brazil and white population of South Africa and any other countries or parts of countries largely settled by Europeans,such as Argentina. Among the hot climate cultures,she included Southern United States, Asia, the Pacific islands, South America, Africa, the Mediterranean countries, the Middle East and most of the rest of the world. But why differences on the climate? Thats because the hot climate people generally are outdoor and hence end up spending time with more and more people. Hence relationships and friendship is a very important part of their lifes.The cold cultural countries are focus more about being independent,to take care of your own things. Both are important in their own way.

I have total five exchange students in the place I stay in Germany. One of them from Argentina, two from the United States and two from Mexico. We all often talk about the problems we face and somehow I always found similarities between the Mexicans. And now I know why. America is also a cold climate country and so is Europe. And hence they share the basic culture. The cold climate cultures and said to be task oriented,where as the hot climate cultures and said to be relationship based.

I experience these differences everyday and just thought of sharing them with you all. I recently changed my hair colour. If I was in India most of the people would say it looks good(irrespective of what they really think about it),because truth is not the focus here;keeping a friendliness between us is. That doesn't ofcourse mean that everyone is going to say it looks great,people who are my good friends,family members would tell me what they really think about it. But well being in Germany I got different types of reactions. Some said it looks great,some said I look emo,some said it makes you look like a punk where as some said it doesn't look all that great. When they said it looks bad,I joked about being hurt from that comment. And the answer was 'What do your feelings have to do with it? This isn't about you,it's about your hair'.

In the book 'Gifts Differing' by Isabel Briggs it is said that if we are talking about personality differences rather than culture,we would call 'hot-climate' types -'feeling personalities' and cold climate types 'thinking personalities'.Those who have the priority of putting the job first does not mean anything personal but they assume you think the same way. Feeling types also assume that you think like they do,and that 's why they are offended. And thats the reason I was offended..

In the cold culture countires a 'yes' is a 'yes' and a 'no' is a 'no'. Where as in hot culture countries is more about being friendly. If someone would offer me food in India I would first say no(inspite of wanting to have it) because I don't want to sound greedy. Than I would be offered food again and than I will take it. But its not same here. If I say 'no' they will say 'okay'. No offering again and again.

Both the cultures are special in their very own way. I completed around 3 months here and starting was a little difficult to adjust. Now since I know its not about anything personal its just about the culture things are way easier. This is just a beginning and I have so much more to experience.

Well for now I like it here :)


  1. Kalu, chakka pustak wachu lagali!!!!!!!!!! Motha dhakka dilas........... Baba

  2. :P. Me aata dapan honar e lavkarach ;)
