Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I was just going though my blog and released I haven't written for the whole of November. And its not that I didn't want to write ot didn't have enough to write. I was just lazy. Sorry to all my readers :).
I'm going to briefly write about my November in Deutschland in this post.

Starting with the good news. I got my bag:D. I never mentioned my bag before in the blog. So I'll like to inform that I didn't have my suitcase for around three months. That was because of my own stupitidy and carrying extra things. But the best part is that I have it now! My parents put in my favourite indian chips and a bunch of additional things in it too. Results in me back to my good old clothes :). But you know the best part? 22nd August I came to Germany. 22nd October the man who came with my suitcase called me. And 22nd Novermber I got it:D. You learn a lesson with all your mistakes. I learned not to carry extra things when you are travelling even when you love them!

Mexican Party:
As I celebrated Diwali. All we exchange students just starting celebrating our own festivals. The Mexicans had a special day on the 22nd of November in Mexico. And so they also had a 'festa Mexicanaa'. As we called India 'Bharat' in Hindi,in Spanish you call Mexico 'Mexico(which is written the same but when you say it it is like 'Meheeco'). They were trying to teach me how to say it but weren't successful because of my strong accent. Erandy(the mexican girl in my town) 's host mom was really nice and she gave the Mexicans a party place where she worked. Erandy and Marcos (the two Mexicans in my town) decorated the place really well. They made something called 'pinyata' which is generally used for kids birthday parties in Mexico. Its like a big balloon with lots and lots of paper and glue. Which results in a hard ball types thing in which they took a lot of chocolates and candies :D. And they was a really interesting tick to break it. Take a stick and go hitting it with your eyes closed! They also had some great Mexican food along with it. Around 40-35 people came for the party many of them were exchange students. We danced on all types of music and it was great fun! I'm should say thank you to Marcos and Erandy I could actually see a part of Mexico!

The Gymnastics show:
My host sister was supposed to go for some show on this Sunday. But because she was not well I went instead. And actually I shouldn't say this but I'm lucky she wasn't well! :D. The was really AWESOME! They did all types of gymnastics. Everything you can imagine. All the things I always saw on the t.v and thought the people who did it were god gifted ;). I was with Ricarda and Micheal who are my friends because of the wheel gymnastics and we were sitting in the children 's section. So we were given pom pops and taught ways of cheering. And how can I forget. All the kids were made to wear a funny colour green t-shirt which we got to take home(oh yay ;) ).

Belgium Museum:
So I'm just calling in Belgium because it just sounds cooler that I wasn in another country ;). I went to this art museum with David and his host dad. The museum had different ways to show or narrate about Jesus Christ 's birth. It was interesting to see as it was expressed in many ways like clay models,light shows and so many things.The museum was between Belgium and Germany which was awesome. And it made me even more happy because my phone got messages saying 'welcome to Belgium'. Belgium has two main language one is Neatherlandish and the other is French. So every information written in the museum were written in three languages. Two which I just mentioned. And Germany^^

Judo with host dad:
I am staying with Family Feist since three months now. And even though I'm staying here for that long I didn't know that my host dad was a black belt in judo! I was so shocked to hear it! And Germans are sporty my nature. I'm not saying this because of only my host dad but many examples. Hubertus(my host dad) is a skiing instructor, Judo black belt, and awesomely fit(and sometimes he calls himself not fit!). And I have to mention the fact that he is 50 years old. And he told me he started judo when he was 39. Such people are inspirations. I always want to learn so many new things,but mastering many at time is a art. But judo is surely added to my list of 'things to do'. I would feel so much safer and stronger! Muhhahah..

Family change date:
All our exchange student families got together ad decided we are going to change families on the 12th of December. I'm sad and excited at the same time!

I can't remember if anything else happenend. I'll post in this blog if I think of some more :). Ofcourse I met friends,hangied out with them and all those things ;)..
I love December!


  1. yay for updates! =)
    it's called dutch in english. you literally translated niederlaendisch! haha. =P
    und dein englisch ist wirklich ein bisschen schlecht geworden!

  2. Hehheeh.. weiß ich!
    Ich habe ein mal gesagt,' I have hunger'. Lol!
    *shakes her head in sorrow*
