Monday, October 5, 2009

Der Angbeginn/The Beginning

The first day:
My host parents,my counselor and her husband came to pick me up. I didn't know whether to shake hands or hug or talk German,but we just figured it out. The start was great! Looked like they were happy because I was there. And that is a great feeling :). They picked me up at Frankfurt airport. We live in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler(which I can NEVER pronounce because Germans have a different sounding 'r'). The road looked so pretty! The sun was shinning bright. I was tired,but I didn't feel it. I was talking and talking the whole drive. After reaching Bad Neuenahr we dropped my counselor off. My host parents told me it was the weekend and they eat special type of bread. They asked me if I want to come along with them to buy it. My first ever German supermarket visit:D. And Oh my god. They were SO many types of bread. I'm sure in my entire life I did not see that many breads which I saw at once :). My host dad asked me if I want to choose a bread. I just selected the best looking one! By this time my Indian phone was still with me,and it kept giving me really sweet messages. After the supermarket we were going home! The new home,I was so excited to meet my host siblings. We entered the house and there was a big welcome card for me. Which was totallyy sweet! I was so happy being home. They showed me around the house. The house is really pretty! A lot lot more different then any Indian houses I had seen(ofcourse!). It has a pretty lawn. And I have my own room which gives me a nice view from my window:). I was jet lagged. I need to sleep. After sleeping like half the day I got up. I saw my bag, the new room, new smell that was when I realised I was alone. Alone by myself in this pretty land! I am not going to see 'my people' for a year. I'm the one who is going to set rules for myself. And yes ofcourse going to have the time of life!:D

It's exactly been one month and 14 days since I am in Germany. I truely love it here. I'm staying with family Feist,who try their best to make me feel like a part of their family.My host parents: Host dad(Hubertus:50), host mom(Getraud:47) and my three siblings(Daniel:18(who was also exchange student to Canada), Benedikt:16(who is now in India) ,Thekla:14). My German is still pretty bad,but I understand a lot more now. I can't wait to get better at German.

Important events which have taken place since the time I am here :
1) Wine fests: The part of Germany I live in is known for red wine. There was also a parade with people walking with wine,and trationally dressed. They have these really cool festivals for everyone!;)
2)Met my fellow Exchange Students: Two Americans(David Loring:18 and Signe Carlson:16). two Mexicans (Marcos Raul Salido Portugal) and one Argentinian(Olivia Brugna:18) live in the same town/village I live in. We all go to the same school(exp:Olivia as she is been here since six months).And important,they are all very since people. I'm glad I have them with me because not oly German culture but I also learn their cultures. The Mexican guy also happens to be my neighbour:).

3)German classess: My host mom teaches me German. And my host sister wants me to learn it better so she refuses to hear any English from me.So partly she would be responsible for my German progress ;). I'm so happy that I'm getting better!
4)I got my visa extended: Yayy! So I can by law stay in Germany till the 1.08.2010. And started getting my pocket money from the Rotary.
5)I started riding the bike all my myself: Well has the road system in India is other way around I had problems in the start. But then everytime I left my house,my host mother would keep saying'right,right':).
6)School started: School was filled with experiences. School is a really nice place to go as I deal with people of my age,who think differently. School helps me get better at the language because well its a German medium school and they teach only in German.The start was crazy! I would sit there looking around,drawing in my book,counting the number of people in the class,and once counting the trees outside ;). My school name is Peter Joerres Gymnasium. The school looks totally like an aquarium to me :). Its all glass covered,so when you sit in the class it always seems so fresh. But at the same time I wonder what I'm going to do in winter! In German school system one has to take three Leistungs Kurse(major courses) and remaining(I don't know the exact number,6 or 7 minor cources :) ). My School begins at 7.55 and ends at 5. Each student has a big timetable and he/she has to come accordingly in school. My Subject are:Sport,Art,English(Major cources) and Deusch(German),Mathe,Art(minor cources). Well,one cannot take Sport and Art together but because I requested them I got them. My fellow exchange students have more subjects then me. That's the main reason why I go home early then them(and usually yell a big 'bye bye' while going :P).
7)Making Friends: I made some friends at school. I love hanging around with them because its fun but at the same time I'm learning. Well that's the best part about being a exchange student. Whatever you do,you always learn.Like the other day I was watching t.v. And I watched it for like three hours,but well it wasn't really watching t.v. it was learning German ;).
8)Rotary meetings: My Rotary club had a introduction meeting for us. Wearing our Rotary Blazers. During the club meeting I observed that they don't usually clap but instead 'knock' on the table. And everytime they did it I could not help but laugh! The second Rotary meeting was a district welcome meeting with around 70 Exchange Students,from all over the world. It was really awesome.
9)Weekend at Solingen with Exchange students: Rotex organised a weekend with all the exchange students. Which was full on fun,energy and dancing!:D. Oh look!Now I have friends all over the world.

10)Visits to Bonn and Köln: Visited Bonn and Köln with friends and family a couple of times so far. All of them were great fun! The lastest one wass Bonn with host parents to see a light and water show. It was really cool,as the water moved according to the music.
11)Art Club:Started a art club with my host mom which is every Wednesday. I love Art!And I love going there. The Art club lady is very cheerful and always gives me coffee and some snacks :).
12)Volleyball :I started playing volleyball at a closeby club. I played vollyeball around six year in my school in India and always hoped that I would get to play it here! And yayy :D
13)Rönrad: This sport is like wheel gymnastics. i'm doing something like this for the first time ever. I love it!
14)Missing people at home: I love the here life! But I think about people at home too. I'm not homesick. I wasn't from the time I am here. But I love everyone at home :)

That's about it for now. Gute Nacht. Süße Träume.
Love :D

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