Monday, October 5, 2009

If you are happy and you know it!:)

Germany! Germany!*clap clap clap*.

The last couple of days in India were the fastest I have ever experienced. I remember counting days. They moved like fire,I didn't even realise when the two digit number turned into one. And finally turned into the last three days!

Being a exchange student has always been my dream . My family always host 's exchangies. I could not wait to have the experience myself! And here I am! Germany!Whoo hoo :D. I remember right from the start. My parents and me had a discussion on where I wanted to go,after which I knew I wanted to go somewhere in Europe. Filling up the huge Rotary forms, interviews seemed never ending then(I have to give credits to my sister and my best friend here)! Then came the country selection day. I had my fingers crossed. By this time I knew I wanted to go to Germany,and I really wished I could get it. In India,atleast where I stay(Pune) we have this system which our Rotary follows,they take our interview and then we are given ranks according to them. I was ranked 4th. The boy who was ranked before me got up to cross his choice. "Cross on anything but Germany",we prayed:). Well,Germany had just one seat. And my luck I got it!:D

I wanted to take Germany mainly because of the language. I learned German in my school,and I was the worst student ever! As most of the students,I strongly dislike studying. But when its coming in a new land,dealing with new people and having a new identity of your own then helll yeahhhh I'm totally up for it!

Rotary youth exchange is very well organised. Usually,someone from the place I'm going comes to the came place where I'm living. As I was going to Germany,I was going to have a boy from there coming to India. My German family wrote me before I was coming to India and sent me a photo along with it. I used to show it to everyone who visited me. "Look look my new family^^". I always asked them a billion on questions with each mail I wrote. My host family 's son was going to come to India. And well he came before I left for Germany. So I went to meet Benedikt in Mumbai. I wanted to know how the place was going to look like,I wanted to know the family 's interests,and sooo many other things! My meeting with him went great! I was excited then ever when he said,'You will fit perfectly in the family'! The fast moving last few days were full of googling pictures,having long talks with friends,spending more time with as many people as possible,eating all the food I love the most and days full of advice :).

August 20th Night:
I had my farewell party this night. I got really nice presents from my friends. My sister and my closest friends made a video for me. My friends gave me this scrapbook(which was totally hand made) with pictures and letters. One of my friend wrote me poems. *Reality check*. 'I'm leaving for real!'.

August 22nd Night:
My bags where packed. I was standing on the airport,with my closest friends and realitives around me. My mother giving me last minute instructions,my dad calling me and wishing me luck and the background people crying. I had always imagined this scene in my mind. But didn't ever expect it to come so soon. Being the person I am,I didn't want to cry. All I could imagine was that I was going to be in Europe!:D. It did not hit me then that I'm going to not really see these people for a year now.

My flight was about to reach. I could see the little roads,buildings outside my window. 'This is the place I'm going to stay for a year,this is the place which is going to give me never forgetting memories,THIS was Germany!' My flight was supposed to arrrive at 8a.m,but it arrived at 9-9.30a.m. I had so many thoughts in my head,I was full on excitement. I did not know what my future would be like. 'Would I recognise my family just because of the photo?','How would they welcome me'?'Would they understand the little German I speak'?' Pushing my lugguage with a huge smile on my face I finally went out of the arrival section.


  1. i love the part about reaching the airport and looking of the plane window. i know EXACTLY how you felt! ^^

  2. so i guess im a certified creeper! lol sorry ur messages kept popping on my homepage on fb and then i remembered tht u said were going on a exchange in deustchland!!!( i think tht is how u spell it, tht is a little something for my less than a month of taking german way back when lol)
    so first u are a amazing writer, u got some talent hunny...and second ur little shpveel here made me cry and brought back a lot of memories and i dont mean tht in a bad way i mean in a good way :)
    and to add here i know EXACTLY how u felt too lol
    have a good one :)

  3. and since my name comes up as sam and u might think im actually a creeper i should say its sanam lol

  4. Sanam:
    I am SO happy to read that. Thank you so much^^
    Keep reading and posting. I love your comments!
