Saturday, October 31, 2009

Celebrating holidays!Suttya laglya.Sutya laglya:D

I have always loved travelling. Wanting to explore more places,meeting new people,observering things has always been my hobbies. I had Autumn vacations on then.I thought it was a great idea when my host family told me we were going to for a vacation in Austria! Austria always seemed such a foreign pretty land. And now I was really going to go there!:D. My family warned me in advance and told me to take warm clothes with me as it was going to be really cold..
And well it was really cold! We drove for around 12-13 hours,which including a ride from a ferry from Boden See. Boden See is a lake which is situated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. It was so fastinating as I could Austria, Switzerland and Germany being in water! My host dad pointed out to a place and said 'Oh that is black forest there!' And I was like 'Oh my god!'. There was so much happiness within me. Specially since I'm in Europe and the trasport system is ultra super duper cool I wanted to see more and more places. We reached the hotel at around 9p.m. We were served with great food,and a smiling caretaker called 'Petra'. We were going to stay with my whole host dad 's family. Oma(grandfather) ,Opa(grandmother), Felix ,Johanna, Leonard , Sarah, Itay , Andreas and Ulrike. The next day we went for a super long hicking trip. The place is SO pretty that it was totally worth walking forever. I could see the Alps in front of me, flowers , greenery everywhere I saw! We carried lunch with us all the way and stopped where we got shelter. The thing that amuses me was,even though we walked that far the men still had their beer/ wine. My host dad opened this bottle and I offered him a plastic glass which was next to me. And he was like,' it doesn't taste if you don't have the right glasses'. And he removed glass glasses from his bag! I was so surprised. Well at home here, for different types of beers he has different glasses! How cool is that!
The weekend in Austria was great as I got to know more people closely. I actually had someone to call 'Oma', 'Opa' which just always seemed text book names. We played different types of games, saw places and had great fun! But oh,it doesn't end here. On your way back we went through Switzerland. It was So pretty! Switzerland needed a different visa before,but now no more. I could enter Switzerland!!Whoo hoo. And we just crossed borders in a matter of minutes. It was like one moment I said I'm in Austria. And the other I said ohh,now I'm in Switzerland! In India my sister and me would be happy when we would see boards saying we are in different states. Here it was countries!:D. Austria and Switzerland are right next to each other but still they have physical differences. Switzerland is more greener then Austria. Its stange why..
But both the places are surely worth seeing atleast once in your lifetime!

My second trip was a family vacation to Thüringen. This time it was just my host mom,host sister,host dad and me. We have a small cottage there. And one of the reasons other then sight seeing ofcourse was working. Like the house,organising things,cutting grass as no one stays there. Thüringen was cold! Like really cold. I saw snow for the first ever time! Whoo hoo:D.But wait,forget that I saw snow. I don't want that snow to by my 'first snow' because well it was in a parking lot! Hhehe..ya really. We were driving around Thüringen and my host parents saw snow in a parking lot,so to show me we went inside. I touched it,took pictures,it was snow! Snow for real:D. The cottage we stayed in was like kind of in a middle of a forest. I had n't seen those type of trees before. Trees with really long trunks. And Oh my god! I learned how to ice skate. My host dad and sister taught me,and I could pretty much do it by the end. They also showed me a Skii-ng and snow jumping places. My Thüringen trip was wonderful! It included- a visit to Goethe mall (a lot of Gothe things are standing in Thüringen as that is where he lived), seeing Gothe and Schiller, the Bauhaus Museum (a art museum), a really interesting glass factory visit, a lot of other tourist places, a wonderful picture taking time which my host sister. It was actually this cold that I saw ice on the floor! Like as we see puddles,there was ice. And ya,we went to this italian restaunt. And the man taking our order looked at me and said 'I'll make your pizza spicy'( I think he realised where I was from and that I eat spicy food). And I was all happy as I was going to get spicy food after that long. I nodded in excitement. Well I expected the pizza to be german spicy,but it was indian spicy! Like really. I was like oohh its great but its even spicy for me! I don't think I should even mention my family 'y reaction when they tired it.heheh.. Well I don't know if it was really spicy for if my tongue is turned German. But never the less,I almost finished it off :D

Thüringen trip was really quality family time. We played so many card games. It was great fun. Again after driving for like eight hours or something we reached home. We opened the door,came inside and the house really felt like home. Really like home...

Today is my host mom 's birthday:). My host sister made really good cookies. My host brother,sister and I gave a gift and a card together.. And we had some great home made cheese cake at home too!:D
Happy Birthday Gertraud. Danke für alles^^

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