Sunday, February 7, 2010


Germany has this cool system in the school in which all the 11th class people have to do a social practical. This practical is for around 3 weeks,in which students have to visit places like old age home, mentally challenged people 's hospitals, hospitals, kindergarten etc. And as the title says, I did my practical in a kindergarten :).

I have always loved children. And thats the reason I wanted to do this practical. The other exchange students had to go to the 10th class for the three weeks we did this. That does mean we didn't have school for three weeks :D. I thought being in a kindergarten would be easy. Just play with children the whole time and thats good. But hehe.. I was so wrong :).

I went to a Kindergarten closeby in Gimmingen. The kindergarten system is totally different compared to India. We have kindergartens in the school. Even in the kindergartens children have to wear school uniforms, because the school just wants them to get used to it. I had children from 2-5 age. The five year old children would have a 'school group' every Mondays for around 1 and a half hour. In this hour the teacher would teach them a little math, Alpahets or school related things. Other then that the whole time was just playing :). Ofcourse the playing factor reminds same in India too!

The kindergarten had 3 groups. Red, green group and a group for mentally challenged children. I had two boys from my school who did the practical at the same place with me. We were all divided into groups and I was in the green group. We had around 20 children with 2 teachers. Other teachers would come in the afternoon time. I had to be there from eight in the morning to four EVERYDAY,for three weeks.

All though the mornings the children would generallypla around the gym room. Well I don't really know the English translation for the german word,I'm sorry :P. But its a room for playing in short. Wait. I first need to describe the place. The kindergarten was full of colours. As you enter there was a passage, after which once you look left there was a playing room. I bet the children would think its HUGE or something. It was similar with me,when I was young I would think my play ground is the biggest place in the world,but now that I see it,its so small. The playing room had these colourful all shaped blocks made up of cotton. Children would make a house,or whatever they wanted with them. So note: They had to change their shoes before entering this room. They had to put on the playing shoes. At the right was like a pretty big space, attached to the kitchen. In the middle of this big space was a little house with was full of colourful little balls,and the children had to jump in them. And everytime the children jumped,I felt like jumping in myself :). Surrounded by this ball house were two rocking horses. I had one too when I was small :D. And there was also a 'breakfast table'. Attached to this were a bunch of rooms,and two of them were also the doors to get into the green and red groups. The green group room (the one I was in) had craft made my children all over the place, again a breakfast table. And two other tables,one of them always had a plastic on it so children can play with clay,or paint things on it. And there was also a COMPUTER. I was more then surprised to see a computer there,but the teachers told us that once it was new everyone wanted to place with it,and now that its old not many want to. And the kindergarten had ALL types of games possible. They had this little kitchen with plastic plates,and oven,food things. One corner was full of clothes, a mirror and a small bed. All types of games from card games, board games, cars, tracks, railways there had everything! There always was light coming in the room as one side was totally glass. And on the wall was everyone 's photos,and their birth dates. It was amazing to see people born in 2007 and things. It like Oh god! I went for this new year party and thats when he was born ^^. It was such a awesome feeling.
There was a room for teachers, a storage room. And Oh god! The toilets for children were adorable. The wash basin were really small,so children could reach them. And so were the toilets.

And this is about the place. The next post is about me and them :)

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