Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kindergarten as days went by^^

I was kind of scared at the starting. I thought they wouldn't understand my German. But my first few days were full with variety of reactions ;). Some of them were scared,because of the green colour,some of them were amused. I this favourite kid right on the first day. She came to me and just sat on my lap. And from then it was the same till the last day :). Where as some children,just gave negative reactions. I was asked a billion of funny questions like , 'Why do you talk so funny?' , 'Your mother didn't yell at you for having black and green hair?' I have like around three piercing in my ear,I wore all the three earnings,and this girl started crying because she wanted it too and her mother didn't allow :). I was talking to this boy from my school,and I looked down and this little kid was like ,' You are married to him? ' I was like 'No,Why?' And he goes like, 'then why did you ask him if he has eaten?'

To my surprise they understood my german better then the adults. Maybe because they don't know german themselves ;). But I couldn't use English words at all. So I had to be very careful to not use words like 'Run, stop, don't' what we normally use for talking to children. All I that to do the whole day was play with them. But trust me,its as difficult as a teacher. If you don't listen to them,they are angry. And each child has something to say. Oh so one of my first weeks, this boy came to be and said something. Something I didn't understand. Then he kept saying it the WHOLE time,but I just didn't know what it means in German. And then he was angry because I didn't listen to him,but I really was. And ofcourse as you have good experiences you always have bad ones too. I did have some bad ones too. Children are straight forward,maybe thats one of the best things I like about them. If they like you,or a game or something they will show it. And if they don't they will show it too. I even read out stories to them. They loved playing 'hair styling' games with my hair. Oh. And maximum what I did was art and craft things. I did a lot of painting and making things from paper like a bird or something.

I also danced with them. Like everyday the same dance. It was so much fun! And teachers were also really nice. I wasn't well for 3 days and they made me tea and things. The best part I like about children is their imagination skills. We can't think like they do. I was sitting in one place and they made that place a circus, then they made it a road with a police man and one child being a car, and the next minute it was a zoo. And they had days in which they would just imagine they are animals and talk in just noises. But you have to understand them :). And its a skill being a teacher at a kindergarten I think. The teacher would just take a name and say, go to the toilet and that kid really wanted to go to the toilet but because he was playing he didnt want to. And I always wondered how they understood. But at the end of the 3 weeks,at my second last day I told this child to go to the toilet too and he did :D. You have to notice their movements. And thats how you know.

There were many differences between Indian and German kindergartens. Each child has around 3 shoes,one for playing,one for the kindergarten and one for going out. Normally indian kids wouldn't ask,' Can I play with you?' They just think they are games for everyone and everyone is supposed to play with them. But here if the kid doesn't want you to play with him, you shouldn't. They have really good eating habits,and are neat children.
This one time we were going out in snow,and I had to help my group children dress up. Each child should have 3 jackets, a snow pant, boots, shawl and a cap. And trust me people. This is real WORK! I did it for around 7 children and the last one I just zipped his pants and he said,' I want to go to the toilet.' I was about to say just do it in your pants ;). But then that would be even more work! They were really small children,so we had to do almost everything. But the thing that amused me the most was. After we came in from snow, I helped them remove their clothes again. And mark my words, each and every child when and put his clothes where they were. AAt such a small age they are taught to take care of their own things. Something I should learn,even now :D.

My last day they gave me a little farewell. I got the best gifts. I got around 8 paintings drawn by them. They are so cute. This one drawing is little random grey coloured lines. And I asked him what it was,and he said its a luck pig :). And these two little craft things. We played games, and I baked muffins for them.

It was amazing how fast the time went by. But one thing remained the same. My first week,these two children asked me what my name was. I answered 'Ved'. Second week again the same kids same question same answer. And the third week the question changed a little ;). They asked me, 'Ved what is your name again' :D

Its awesome that I did the practical. I'm sure I wouldn't ever learn things like, 'Can you please remove my pant button?' in German in my whole year stay;)

And now. Back to school.

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