Saturday, January 2, 2010

25th December: The family gets together:)

Germans celebrate Christmas for three days: 24th (Heiligabend), 25th (first Christmas day), 26th ( Second christmas day).

After getting ready in the morning my family decided to go for a walk. It was a lovely Christmas morning with cold wind and a little sunshine. We live in the country side. So we have all the farms and nature around us. Its very pretty. We walked around for sometime. Got ready and went to Oma(grandmom/aaji 's) 's house. She lives just a street away from us. They told me I was even going to meet the rest of the family today. In about sometime the rest of the family came in too. Elke 's sister(Bergit), her husband(Heinz) and their two children(Basti and Marie). We had lunch together. I always think that grandmothers are the best cooks. And I stick to that!:D. Then we chatted till the evening. And every sadly one of my host sisters had something wrong with her hand. So my host mom took her to the hospital. They were there for around three hours in which rest of the family was worried. Naturally,even I was. Christmas day and you never know if you have doctors available! But they did come after three hours. Told that it was nothing that serious. Then finally the whole family was together. I had told my host mom the previous day that I would like to dance indian for them. So my host mom asked me if I still want to do it. I said yes,and the next couple of minutes I found myself in my room wearing Indian clothes. I was dressed up for head to toe: Everything from tikli,to Kolapuries ;). I was about to enter granny 's house and I felt this feeling which I always did before stage performances :D. I went in and I felt in a super star! They took pictures of me,said I looked pretty and things like that. Yes yes. I was on cloud 9 already! But I told them before I dance I want everyone to sing Christmas songs. My host sister Line played the piano and the whole family sang along. I sang one of the songs too as I know it because I heard it everywhere during christmas. Then I danced on 'Jay Hoo' for them. Personally talking I didn't like my dance all that much because lack of practice. But they seemed to be more then happy. They took videos of me dancing! I love the feeling of being praised! Who does n't? Then everyone drank. We spoke about more things. Everything from Gandhiji to Hilter. Knowing so many opinions was fun. And during all the talking my indian music was still in the background !Then I asked them all if they want to dance on a indian song. I played 'Dhantadaan' and made them all dance! And everyone did! It was great great fun! Then the two couple did 'wallz'( German ball dance).

It was totally a fun day with the family. I couldn't ever imagine a German Family dancing on Indian songs during Christmas. World is a small place as someone rightly said :)

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