Saturday, January 2, 2010


Frohes Neues Jahrrr :D

I celebrated my new year with a German friend and her friends. I was with Jaqueline Hemmers who was an exchange student last year to Argentina. Her boyfriend from Argentina is now here in Germany to visit her. It was great fun! We played karoke, ate good food , played uno. Marcos(Mexican exchangie) was also in the celebration. At 12 we went up to this little hill from which we would see the whole town. We saw many firecrackers. Drank a little and went inside again. It was more like a chill out then a party. But thats totally needed at time :)

This year. This year is going to be one of the best year of my life. I'm going to have never forgetting memories. I'm going to have German friends. I'm going to actually talk German now. I'm going to meet my friends and family from India after a year. This is the same year which is going to make me cry. Cry not because I'm sad,but with happiness.

And so I decided there are bunch of things I'm going to try doing:
1) Talk ONLY in German with Germans.
2) Do everything possible! Each and everyday should be worth something. Its not returning again :)
3) Write my blog more often. I need to store more memories :)
4) Write letters and send parcels at home. Letters don't cost me a lot of money. They ofcourse do cost me some money but letter from another land are always special. I still have all the letters my sister, Hanah and my dad sent me when they were away.
5) I need to be a little more Organised ^^. And a little more punctual^^.

Well these are the main ones. The others are not to be mentioned publicly ;). Any suggestions. Any thing you guys want me to improve on, you can always comment :).

Happy new year! I wish everyone a year full on extraaa big smiles. A mega ultra super dupperr fun!
Take care :)

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